Shifts and switches in boxing—a lost art that few truly understand, let alone teach. #boxing #howto
🎨 “Shifts and switches in boxing—a lost art that few truly understand, let alone teach. This technique, when mastered, adds layers to a fighter’s skill set, allowing for seamless transitions, unpredictable angles, and powerful counters. It’s an art form that requires precision, timing, and a deep understanding of movement. If executed properly, it can be a game changer in the ring. 🥊 Respect the craft and keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible! 💥👊 Danny Bodish #shiftsandswitches #boxingart #boxingfundamentals #lostart #boxingtechnique #fightsmarts #boxingcraft #gamechanger #movement #boxing #worldclassboxingchannel #boxingmastery #tomyankellosworldclassboxinggym #boxingteacher #teachery #teachers #teaching #teach #teachinglife